Sewa Bus Jogja

Sewa bus pariwisata di jogja murah armada terbaru – Anda ingin menyewa sewa bus jogja di nagan tour dengan harga terjangkau untuk berbagai keperluan seperti wisata luar kota, ziarah wali, study tour atau acara-acara lain?

Silahkan hubungi ini travel niaga tour yang menyediakan berbagai macam bus pariwisata sewa bus jogja dengan harga terjangkau serta armada terbanyak dan juga terawat serta sopir yang berpengalaman.

ini travel melayani customer sewa bus wisata atau end user secara langsung di garasiyang membutuhkan bus Long, HD, SHD atau bus medium

Rent a tourist bus in Jogja cheap with the latest fleet – Do you want to rent a bus in Jogja at affordable prices for various purposes such as out-of-town tours, wali pilgrimages, study tours or other events?

Please contact this travel agency, which provides various kinds of tourism buses in Jogja at affordable prices, with the largest and most well-maintained fleet and experienced drivers.

This travel service serves customer travel agents or end users directly who need Long, HD, SHD or medium buses


The maximum duration for renting a Jogja bus is 16 hours on the same day
The Jogja bus rental price includes the fleet, fuel, drivers and crew
Jogja bus rental prices do not include driver tips, toll fees and parking
30% DP for booking requirements
payment of H-7 after the date of the order

Mini Medium Bus Rental Prices in Jogja and Batu

The following is a list of mini and medium bus rental prices from Jogja to cities in East Java. If you want to rent a bus to another city, you can contact our customer service

Big Bus / Setra Rental Prices in Jogja

Large Big Bus / center with a capacity of between 47 – 54 seats suitable for accommodating group vacations or offices carrying out recreational activities

Luxury / HDD / SHD Bus Rental Prices in Jogja

Luxury tourism buses, Jogja premium buses with complete facilities with high levels of comfort and safety

Tourist Bus Rental Information in Jogja

We inform you of Jogja bus rental prices which can change at any time without any further information. Before renting, you should first consult your needs with our CS, who is always online so that we can provide the best price recommendations regarding the tourism bus that you will rent.

All of our latest fleet of tourism bus rentals in Jogja are the best bus units, all new, from the body to the engine, are always controlled by service technicians on a regular basis. You can choose bus facilities easily.


Durasi penyewaan sewa bus jogja maksimal 16 jam di widyatransport hari yang sama
Harga sewa bus jogja sudah termasuk armada, BBM, driver dan crew
Harga sewa bus jogja belum termasuk tip sopir, tarif tol dan parkir
DP 30% untuk persyaratan booking
pelunasan H-7 setelah tanggal order

Harga Sewa Bus Mini Medium Di jogja dan Batu

Berikut dafta harga sewa bus jogja mini dan medium dari jogja ke kota-kota di yogjo. Jika anda ingin menyewa bus dengan tujuan kota lain bisa menghubungi customer service kami

Harga Sewa Big Bus / Setra di jogja

Big Bus besar / sentra berkapasitas antara 47 – 54 seat cocok untuk menampung liburan rombongan atau kantor yang sedang melakukan kegiatan rekreasi

Harga Sewa Bus Luxury / HDD / SHD di jogja

Bus pariwisata luxury, bus premium jogja dengan fasilitas terlengkap dengan kenyamanan dan keamanan tingkat tinggi

Informasi Sewa Bus Pariwisata di jogja

Kami informasikan harga sewa bus jogja yang dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa adanya informasi kembali. Sebelum menyawa sebaiknya anda konsultasikan dahulu kebutuhan anda dengan CS kami yang selalu online sehingga kami bisa memberikan rekomendasi harga terbaik terkait bus pariwisata yang akan anda sewa.

Semua armada terbaru sewa bus pariwisata di jogja kami adalah unit bus terbaik, semua baru mulai dari body hingga mesin selalu terkontrol teknisi service secara berkala. Anda bisa memilih fasilitas bus dengan mudah.

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